It pays when word of mouth transforms lives and communities. Liceo Pitagora presents TEDxYouth 2024


By John

The Pythagoras High School in Rendewith the support of the group of students from the school's web radio, Radio Pi, will create the third edition of TEDxYouth@LiceoPitagora, focused on the theme: “Word of mouth”.
The event, with the free patronage of the Province of Cosenza, will be held at the Cinema Teatro Garden in Rende on Wednesday 5 June with the aim of give voice to stories and testimonies that demonstrate how word of mouth can transform lives and communities because it represents a powerful tool to make dreams come true, strengthen beliefs and inspire change.

In an increasingly connected world, information spreads at the speed of light through social networks and conversations. It's like playing telephone, but with a much more significant impact on news, trends and ideas.
TEDx events, following the motto “Ideas Worth Spreading”, represent spaces where new generations can share their visions of the world and contribute to the progress of society, in an innovative way that encourages learning, critical thinking and creativity.