Italbasket with Down Syndrome shows no signs of stopping and becomes world champion at the Trisome Games in Antalya. The host Turkish national team was defeated 18-17 in the final. In a very close match, from start to finish (partials: 3-5; 6-2; 3-3; 6-7) the boys managed to win the last trophy missing from the showcase: the success at the Trisome Games, the world competition for athletes with Down Syndrome. Despite the large Turkish crowd packing the stands and a few too many refereeing “oversights”, our boys were stronger than everything. There was no lack of support from many fans who came from Italy to support their favorites and so, from today, this national team will have an extra trophy in their trophy cabinet. A success on which a lot of work was done in training, strongly sought and desired by the boys and the national technical staff. There are now 3 world events and 3 European events in the Italian palmares, to which is added the satisfaction of seeing Davide Paulis also awarded as best player of the tournament. The team was made up of Alex Cesca (cap), Davide Paulis, Andrea Durante, Stefano Barollo, Alessandro Greco, Flavio Fiorini,
Francesco Leocata and Andrea Rebichini. National Technical Representative and coach Giuliano Bufacchi. Technical assistants Francesca D'Erasmo and Mauro Dessì.