Local authorities, Stability Commission approves 543 hires: there is also the Province of Vibo


By John

The Commission for the financial stability of local authorities, chaired at the Interior Ministry by the Undersecretary of the Interior Wanda Ferro, examined with a favorable outcome 26 resolutions presented by 23 Municipalitiesapproving 8 redeterminations of staffing levels, 481 permanent hires and 62 fixed-term.

In particular, the Commission approved the requests presented by the provincial administrations of Salerno and Vibo Valentia and by the Municipalities of Alessandria, Lecce, Palermo, Camerota (Salerno), Palombara Sabina (Rome) and Joppolo (Vibo Valentia). As regards the measures relating to local finance, the Commission examined two multi-year financial rebalancing plans for the Municipalities of Capodrise and Caiazzo, in the province of Caserta; five stably rebalanced budget hypotheses for the municipalities of Belmonte Mezzagno (Palermo), Montelanico (Rome), Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro), Aidone (Enna) and Grotteria (Reggio Calabria) and two extinction plans for the municipalities of Riesi (Caltanissetta) and Casteldaccia (Palermo).

«This provision – highlighted the president of the Province of Vibo, L'Andolina – allows us to increase the working hours of certain categories of workers present in our organizational structure, thus creating the conditions for strengthening the bureaucratic machine of the institution, which we intend to make more efficient in order to improve the services provided to citizens”.

President L'Andolina declares himself satisfied and thanks Undersecretary Ferro: «I am therefore satisfied with the promptness with which the Commission for the financial stability of local authorities responded to our request and I sincerely thank the members of Cosfel, starting with the Undersecretary of the Interior Wanda Ferro, who chairs it».