Lamezia, Action says yes to the political laboratory


By John

After the political earthquake in the Democratic Party, with the commissionership of the city club, the center-left table will have to put together all the pieces to restart and plan the electoral campaign in view of the next municipal elections. Just as the centre-right, which seems sleepy, will have to organize itself in view of the next electoral round. For sure, both sides will try to “woo” the center area, which could be the balance in the next competition. Like the Action party, which in the city is led by the secretary Annita Vitale.
Secretary Vitale, whose side is Action on?
«Action is, as always, listening. We feel like we can’t express ourselves in any way yet. In fact, both on the right and on the left there is enormous confusion. An absence of planning and work on content by both coalitions.”
So it stays in the center?
«Azione is placed exactly where it is, in a space of comparison and dialogue that tries to put the politics of planning and doing at the center of the debate, against what I call “the practice of naming”, or the pursuit of the name of the case without asking the real questions and without offering a project and a sustainable vision of the city. We are in dialogue with various political forces, associations and movements that are interested, like us, in overcoming the old logic of power to act in an innovative, creative and regenerative way towards the city”.
Have you had any official discussions with the various sides?
«Yes, there are discussions underway».
With who?
«With various political forces both linked to institutional parties and to those not represented in the city council».