The Mascaro administration is “saved” and the city avoids yet another commissionership. In yesterday’s long and debated council session, the civic assembly favorably approved the DUP (Single Planning Document) and the budget with the 10 votes of the majority councilors who remained faithful to the mayor, with the exception of Annalisa Spinelli (Together with Mascaro Mayor) who voted against. The opposition councilors also voted “no”. Rosario Piccioni (Lamezia common good), Aquila Villella (Democratic party), Lucia Citizen and Eugenio Guarascio both of New Era, Mimmo Gianturco (Lamezia first of all) e Matteo Folino (Forza Italia). The only abstention came from Rosy Rubino (Lamezia first of all) who motivated her thus: «The alternative to Paolo Mascaro is not the commissioners but a determined but moderate opposition, my abstention is for the good of Lamezia».
Councilor Spinelli, now a member of the mixed group which also included Alexander Saul And Giovanni Saladini, they too are members of the majority who deserted the council work yesterday because they were now on a collision course with the administration as explained in a note released to the press. Also absent from the majority benches Antonietta D’Amico representative of the League.