Lamezia, school sizing. The Democratic Party: “Mascaro resigns”


By John

Mayor Mascaro comes under fire for his position on the school sizing plan, much criticized in the streets and in schools. A plan passed with an overwhelming majority to the Province, not before having received positive opinions also in the contextual assembly of mayors during which there were only three against, at the forefront the mayor of Catanzaro who, like Lamezia, suffers the worst of fate with various “cuts” of autonomy and school mergers.
«The cutting of autonomies – Mascaro justified his vote – is one of the targets for obtaining the resources of the Pnrr, a historic opportunity for our territory.” But harsh and punctual, during the day, the press note arrived Democratic party citizen, signed Milena Liotta who spoke of a «unprecedented fact (…) that a mayor does not defend his territory and his citizens». “We ask – the Dem representative sunk – for his immediate resignation without any ifs or buts”. The Democratic Party continues to believe that the Mascaro Administration is isolated “with respect to supra-municipal institutions”. «We have not heard – Milena Liotta further observed – a voice from the council commissions that continually meet for anything, while on an important issue such as sizing the Council has not expressed its opinion, nor has it brought together the school directors».