Majority divided on Ukraine, opposition attacks. FI: “Salvini speaks the same language as Vannacci”


By John

There are not only the oppositions to argue that in government different positions coexist on theUkraine. In the aftermath of the double joint note blunder at the end of the summit among the leaders of center-rightcaused by a communication error Lega memberthe allies try to minimize but without hiding that the party’s posture Matthew Salvini on the conflict have been known for a long time. The formula that spoke of “support for Kiev but against any hypothesis of military interventions outside the Ukrainian borders”, explain sources FdIwas the one that proposed the Alloyand which was immediately discarded and then replaced with the more generic “sharing on the crisis in Middle East and on the position of the Italian government regarding the war in Ukraine».

It is difficult to reduce the differences to a “stylistic choice”, as Matthew Salvini explained, the modification of the text. The deleted reference was to the “military interventions” of Kiev and therefore not to the use of weapons supplied by theItalylimited to the Ukrainian borders. A not insignificant detail, while the Secretary General of the Born Jens Stoltenberg assures that “Russian soldiers, tanks and military bases are legitimate targets under international law.”

Nothing shocking, they note. Meloniansin a majority with different sensitivities and different levels of electoratein which, they underline, the premier media on the various dossiers. On theUkraine so far the executive’s line has remained unchanged on support to Kiev against the aggression of Fly. And when it came to expressing himself in Parliament the votes of the Alloy there was no shortage. The tenor of the strategy is another matter communicativein line with the adhesion of the Alloy to the group of Patriots to Strasbourg. «Salvini is free to speak the language of Vannaccibut on theUkraine agreements made in count Parliament“, is the summary of the vice president of the Room George MulèOf Forza Italiainterviewed by Republic. What do you think? Vannacci it is known.

“THE’Europe is at war with the Russia for two and a half years – reiterated the MEP elected with the Alloyat the kermesse of The Squareto Ceglie Messapica -. It does not seem to me that the results obtained so far are promising or give positive hopes. This warin addition to death and poverty, produces devastating consequences that Europeans will pay for.” Alloy ensure that in the majority there is compactness on everything, even on the foreign policy. But the facts offer the oppositions the ability to attack.

«After the skids of the last few days – claims the deputy of More Europe Benedict of the Widow – it’s good that Melons And Tajani clarify in Parliament what is the line of foreign policy of theItalyin particular on theUkraine. If that remained of full support for the resistence Of Kiev to the aggression Putinianin line with the position of the EU and of the Bornor if behind the increasingly clear distinctions, even in the words of the Foreign Minister on the fact that theUkraine cannot use the weapons supplied by theItaly as he sees fit, a change of direction is envisaged”.

The different sensitivities of the majority They will also be put to the test when the increase in spending is redefined in a few weeks military in the maneuver. Meanwhile Rome hopes to be able to reinforce the anti-aircraft defense as soon as possible Volodymyr Zelensky: «I’m arguing with the Italian companies – explained the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto – because I have to deliver a system Samp-T of defense to theUkraine and the Italian company that has to fix it was closed for holidays in August, it doesn’t work on Saturdays and Sundays and it doesn’t work in the evenings.”