Mammoliti votes against the Def in the Budget Commission “Provision arrived in the Chamber without any consultation, without a vision for the future and without any response to the problems of Calabria”


By John

“Today’s meeting of the Budget Commission confirmed how the regional government continues to guide choices and strategies of economic, social and environmental policies without giving answers to the dramatic existing situation and, among other things, not adequate to the profound changes taking place from the point of in view of the climate, energy and environmental transitions. The center-right continues to settle on a flat and ordinary management without having any strategic scope and an adequate systemic vision. In other words, the Region makes no effort to offer a real growth perspective able to improve the living and working conditions of Calabrian citizens. Faced with this situation, the council pays greater attention to the self-preservation of politics, carrying forward both the statutory amendment that limits the appointment of external councilors and that of the planned alternate councilor. , which not only certainly do not represent a priority for the Calabrians, but even lead to an increase in the costs of politics”. This was stated in a note by the vice-president of the Budget Commission, Raffaele Mammoliti.

“This situation – according to Mammoliti – will be further aggravated by some decisions of the national government relating to the resources allocated to the construction of the bridge over the strait and the heavy cuts envisaged by the budget law: around 8 billion in the next five years, which for our region translate into almost 52 million Euros for the year 2025. For these reasons, I consider the DEFR and the evaluative reading that the majority makes on GDP, family consumption, employment, healthcare, internal areas, investments, based on settings that revolve around a water line. All of this is unacceptable, considering the considerable resources available, PNRR, Community Funds, Cohesion Funds, Rural Development Funds, which would allow us to activate much more incisive and concrete support and relaunch actions. of the current economic, productive and social employment conditions of our region”.
Finally, Mammoliti underlined that “on this measure, the Region did not feel any need to involve the social organizations and the production categories, ANCI and UPI.
Considering all this, my vote was clearly against and in the next few days, as a group of the Democratic Party, we will promote a specific press conference to illustrate the alternative ideas and proposals to revive a weakened, kneeling and demotivated Calabria and with the real income of Calabrian families decreased by 3.1% which makes us the last Italian region for growth”.