Messina, another year of construction sites and… hiring


By John

To see what 2024 is made of, just wait a few weeks. There are a series of “appointments” on the agenda which can already give an idea under which auspices the political and administrative activity of Palazzo Zanca will develop.
In the first instance, the wait is all for the decision of the Ministry of the Interior, through its commission for local authorities, on the rich hiring plan of the Municipality. 341 hirings immediately, another 75 and 100 municipal police officers in six months. From 2024 onwards, it will no longer be possible to say that there is a lack of people who do things, in offices and on the street where seeing uniforms is increasingly difficult today and, instead, in a phase of mobility revolution, they would be indispensable.
But 2024 will be the real year of construction sites, more so than the one just passed. Because in the center and on the Gazzi axis the ForestaMe interventions will continue, those of the yellow stalls and the trees between one car and another, but at the same time those of Amam will start in February for the replacement of hundreds of km of pipes along the roads towns.