Messina, first rumors of a reshuffle. Castelli in the Council and Campagna’s farewell to ATM?


By John

It is not a given that we will have to wait the ten months announced by Cateno De Luca in June, after the European elections, to see some movements at Palazzo Zanca, and not only that. Rumors of a first reshuffle have been circulating for weeks, and if for some they are just typical chatter to pass the time under the beach umbrella, for others they are much more than simple rumors. Indeed, something could happen soon, even in a matter of weeks.
The ten months indicated by De Luca indicate the period in which the entire team – councilors and top management of the participating companies – will remain under examination, to then arrive at definitive decisions when the time comes for the renewal of most of the boards of directors of the participating companies.
It is no mystery, especially within the Deluchian environment, that someone – especially in the subsidiaries themselves – is more under scrutiny than others, Mayor Federico Basile is aware of this, but at this stage he is completely absorbed in the management of the water crisis. Management in which the mayor himself is in fact holding the helm, with the pros and cons that this entails, and whose communication, moreover, has been de facto “commissioned” directly by De Luca’s personal staff.
But beyond the evaluations of each person’s work, it is far from excluded that something could happen well before the ten months. Adjustment maneuvers, not real shocks, also because it would not be a question of failures or punishments. It seems that a departure from the Council has been agreed upon with the person directly concerned for some time, halfway through the mandate, of the councilor for public education, Pietro Currò. And it is now a recurring rumour that the entry into the council of the president of Sud chiama Nord is imminent, Laura Castelli, who not by chance was also present in the last public outing of the Basile-De Luca duothe press conference “outside” at the Gescal reservoir on the water crisis. Another name circulating for a possible entry into the council is that of the city coordinator of the party, Nino Carreri, an experienced politician, former city councilor and also he on the front lines several times in recent weeks, in clashing with various political opponents of the moment through press releases.
It is not certain that another replacement is necessary, however: if in September, when the ARS resumes work, the regional reform of local authorities were to be unblocked, the increase in the number of assessors would be triggered and, thus, more space would be created in the council. It is a question of time, it seems.
Another change, somewhat surprisingly, could occur at the top of one of the most important participating companies: Atm Spa. Pippo Campagna could leave the presidency, to dedicate himself full time to Asm. The current assessment would be this: on the one hand, the fact that Atm is now considered a well-oiled machine (it is not excluded that, in the event of Campagna’s farewell, the current board member Carla Grillo could take his place, a bit like what happened at Messinaservizi with Mariagrazia Interdonato replacing Pippo Lombardo); on the other, the Asm of Taormina is an increasingly central company, dealing not only with transport, but also with water and waste services. And Campagna is one of Cateno De Luca’s most loyal supporters.