Messina, new road system for Torre Faro. Cipolla: “Fundamental measure to free the village from the grip of traffic”


By John

“A project in four sections whose work should start by 2024 and includes the construction of parking lots and an urban park, the demolition and reconstruction of some existing buildings, the recovery of the Morandi towers as a museum and exhibition space, but above all a new road system for the village of Torre Faro, for a total amount of 10 million euros. The face of the seaside village of Torre Faro is changing, which is finally also equipped with an alternative road system. A proposal born from the requests of the residents that I have made my own and have carried forward since my inauguration and that today finds confirmation in the project carried forward by the Department of Infrastructure and Public Works of the Municipality of Messina. A project that will see the light in 2026, the date on which completion is expected, and which includes, following some expropriations of agricultural land, the creation of a new access to the north of the parking lot and the Morandi Towers, with a new road that effectively bypasses the town, entering directly into Via Senatore Arena and freeing the coastal village from the grip of traffic. A measure that is necessary for the serenity and safety of residents, often forced to deal with increased traffic, especially in conjunction with major events that increasingly attract spectators to the arena.” This was declared by the municipal councilor and group leader of the “Basile Sindaco” council group, Francis Onion. “The project – explains Cipolla – is a further step forward towards the pedestrianization of the area and demonstrates once again the commitment of this administration towards an area of ​​extraordinary beauty that must be defended and protected.”