The September divorce was a bolt from the blue only for those who had pretended not to see the creaks and discontent that, in reality, had been dragging on from the last moments of the De Luca union. But Dafne Musolinoas the weeks went by, he decided to go beyond just saying goodbye. His is a complete turnaround: as first colonel of the Deluchian troops – impossible not to remember her at the forefront on several occasions, above all the harsh parenthesis of the pandemic – to an aspiring leader of an opposition that, to date, is struggling to find points of reference, both in the Municipality of Messina and outside the institutional buildings. His lunges against the mayor Federico Basile and its administration – with some areas particularly in the crosshairs – are almost daily. And for his return, after months, in the halls of Palazzo Zanca he chose a precise moment: the “landing” in the Messina municipal council of Totò Cuffaro and of his DC, through the councilor Giovanni Caruso. That Cuffaro with whom Cateno De Luca long-distance squabble, the DC with which Matteo Renzi and the new party of Daphne, Italia Viva, they talk more than intensely. And that of Senator Musolino seems to be, today, a manifesto for the anti-Deluchians. «Democracy means listening and that is exactly what the current Messina Administration is missing – his latest message to sailors -. Mine are not “attacks”, as some would have you believe, but observations on the things that are wrong and that should be corrected. Those involved in politics must have the ability to listen, otherwise they would do something else that is simpler and more suited to their character. . I am the senator of Messina and we need to come to terms with this, because I will continue to serve the interests of my city, like it or not. Councilor Caruso’s move to Totò Cuffaro’s formation opens a significant breach in the majority that governs the city, which will now be forced against its will to dialogue with the citizens.