Messina, the port of Tremestieri under the lens of the Government


By John

There is also the completion of the port of Tremestieri in the fiscal decree linked to the budget maneuver approved by the Government and which is about to be approved by the two houses of Parliament. An amendment, signed by parliamentarians Ronzulli and Lotito, was filed yesterday morning awaiting the Government’s opinions. It is article 9 bis in the proposed amendment that deals with the complex Tremestieri affair that it provides the appointment of an extraordinary commissioner within thirty days of the conversion of the Government provision into law. The commissioner will be appointed by decree of the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Infrastructure, in agreement with the Minister of Economy. There is no compensation for the commissioner’s mandate, nor are specific funds provided. The idea, at the moment, would be to have the Region intervene economically, which should make use of cohesion funds. At least 45 million euros are missing from the appeal for the completion of the port of Tremestieri.

Teodoro Bruno spa of Torrenova, the company that took over the Coedmar business unit and therefore the port contract awaits clarification from the national government and the municipality precisely on the financing issue. Without further funds, the sale of the company branch itself and therefore the port works, which have reached no more than 20% of the works foreseen by the project, risk being wrecked. The commissioner will have the task of resolving unresolved issues and dealing with Palazzo Zanca, the Strait Port System Authority and the Sicilian Region.

Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Messina