Anticipation grows and the debate intensifies in view of the vote. After Rombolà of “Eppur si move” Salvatore Fortunato Giordano of “Città Futura” illustrates his intentions. First of all, the outgoing mayor – waiting, like the whole community, to know the response of the Interior Ministry – immediately clarifies that the spirit with which he is facing the electoral campaign «is always that of hope, in the awareness of having done his duty until after all, without sparing ourselves even in the most difficult moments, with the sole objective of making a contribution to reviving the fortunes of our beloved community.”
What pushed him to run again? And then tell us if you have ever thought about throwing in the towel and not trying again
«The affection of the people who have always been close to us and who demonstrate that they appreciate our work. And then the awareness of having worked well and the certainty that the territory needs a continuity project to consolidate what has been achieved. Faced with so much industriousness and hope, I could never allow myself the luxury of “abandon ship” or even think of it. I consider this moment very particular and I am used to taking on the responsibilities that come with the role.”
Let's focus on the program. What are the priority points?
«First of all, the principles that have always inspired my action: legality, effectiveness, efficiency, justice and equity, to name a few. Then specifically consolidate all the results achieved in the social sphere, in public decorum, in the ability to acquire and spend external financing. Sound management of the territory and resources and being ready for any initiative that can relaunch the role of Mileto.”