Municipality of Lamezia, land and buildings to sell: a 5 million asset


By John

More than five million six hundred thousand euros is the total presumed value of the Municipality’s alienable assets. A calculation which is clearly the result of a cognitive framework of the properties which is still informative in nature but which, between the approval of the council and the city council, the Administration will have to take into account with a view to the 2024 budget forecast.
The budget councilor of Palazzo Maddamme discussed it further after the first meeting on Monday, Sandro Zaffina, in the meeting of the II Permanent Council Commission (economic and financial services). What is certain is that most of the issues will be able to be explored in greater depth, especially next week, in a joint meeting with the V Commission (planning, development and territorial governance) which, in the meantime, urgently needs to appoint a new president following the resignation of Henry Constantine.