Municipality of Reggio Calabria, candidates wanted


By John

The echo of New Year’s Eve on the Lungomare has not yet died down: a success that brought the most beautiful face (it would be better if it were also the most authentic) of Reggio into the homes of millions of Italians. A success that demonstrated once again that when institutional synergy works (going beyond divisive political color) this territory has no difficulty catching up with the rest of Italy. So will this New Year’s Eve have taught the quarrelsome Reggio politicians anything? We hope so but – in all sincerity – we believe not, because a few days spent in the name of loving each other are not enough to change course and because if everything were so simple we wouldn’t be here licking our wounds for the “conquest” of the last place in the Italian quality of life ranking. However, the Latins taught that gutta cavat lapidem (the drop digs the stone) and therefore all that remains is to hope that, little by little and drop by drop, something can change in the ancient and twisted mechanisms of Reggio politics, which as soon as 2025 began is already thinking about 2026: about spring (municipal elections) and autumn (regional elections ).
A 2025, therefore, of passage towards the electoral year which no one wants to arrive unprepared and therefore no one will be surprised if the great maneuvers with a view of Palazzo San Giorgio have already begun not only at the level of candidates for mayor and various coalitions but also at the level of city councilor candidates with a view to the next council. For now we are at the stage of winks and approaches but something is already in motion.