At the opening of the government meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that «Israel will use all necessary means and bring justice to the kidnappers and murderers of Rabbi Zvi Kogan in the United Arab Emirates and their instigators». “The murder of an Israeli citizen, a representative of the Chabad Jewish community, is an anti-Semitic and evil terrorist act,” the Prime Minister declared. “I greatly appreciate the cooperation with the Emirates in the investigation of the murder. We will strengthen ties between of us, precisely in response to the attempts of the axis of evil to damage peace relations”, he added.
The UCEI: “Killed by anti-Semitic hatred and terrorism”
The Union of Italian Jewish Communities «joins in the pain and heartbreak of the family of Rav Tzvi Kogan who was brutally murdered in the United Arab Emirates (in a location near Abu Dhabi, ed.). He – we read in a note – like the entire Chabad community, emissaries of good and light in the world, for every person in need of care, for every day that begins and ends has dedicated his life to helping every co-religionist and tracing and thanking the Creator for the small and large miracles of life. Killer minds and hands persecuted him because he was Jewish, because he was a bringer of peace and coexistence between religious communities. He and many others of his organization are worth a thousand and one UN, truly dedicated to social well-being, in a country where freedom of religious belief and coexistence have become exemplary even compared to free European democracies. We, together with the Chabad, will always continue to safeguard the precept of Jewish life and life, despite the threats and haters who unfortunately, even in our cities, rely on constant media distortion and international organizations dominated by these minds that are the perpetrators of widespread anti-Semitic hatred. . May his memory bless and protect lives in Israel and around the world.”