New high voltage connection between Calabria and Sicily. The Regional Council approves the project


By John

There Regional Council of Calabriain today’s session, on the proposal of the president, Roberto Occhiutoformalized the regional agreement in the authorization procedure for the construction and operation of the project for the new high voltage connection, between Calabria and Sicily, at 380 kV Bolano-Annunziata and related works in the municipalities of Messina, Villa San Giovanni and Reggio Calabria.

Following a joint presentation by President Occhiuto and the Councilor for Tourism, Giovanni Calabrese, the implementing regulation “Promotion of cycle tourism and recognition of the Calabria Parks Cycle Route” was approved, adopted pursuant to Article 5 of Regional Law number 48/23, which regulates the conditions for joining the Service Charter for cycle tourism routes. All entities operating in the regional territory who intend to offer services dedicated to welcoming cycle tourists, such as, for example, accommodation facilities, restaurants, tour operators, agricultural companies, bike services, can request membership in the Service Charter, for one calendar year and free of charge.

On the recommendation of the Councilor for Social Policies, Caterina Capponi, the executive has also adopted the Guidelines for foster care, following the update last February at the Unified Conference. The same act mandates the Department of Health and Welfare to start all the activities within its jurisdiction to implement the provisions of the Guidelines and orders the contents to be widely disseminated to the Social Territorial Areas, Provincial Health Authorities, Social and Health Workers and the Third Sector. The aim is to make their implementation concrete through the creation of good practices and the testing of new reception models throughout the regional territory in the field of foster care and protection of minors.

A series of resolutions proposed by the Councilor for Economic Development, Internationalization and Innovation, Rosario Varì, were then approved.

The Action Plan for the implementation of the specific objective Rso1.1. “develop and strengthen research and innovation capabilities and the introduction of advanced technologies” of the Calabria Regional Program Fesr Fse 2021 – 2027 has been approved. The plan outlines the regional strategy for innovation in the production system.

Another resolution acknowledges the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Calabria Region and Confapi Calabria, which aims to promote initiatives to support Calabrian businesses, improving their competitiveness on national and international markets.

The draft agreement to be signed with the Ministry of Culture to allow the cataloguing of the historic parks and gardens of Calabria was also approved.

Furthermore, the Council, on the recommendation of the Councilor for Agriculture, Gianluca Gallo, approved the 2024-2025 hunting calendar, taking note of the opinion of Ispra and the National Wildlife Hunting Technical Committee. The calendar implements all the necessary measures to maintain and/or restore the conservation status of birds and a satisfactory level of conservation and to avoid the deterioration of the current state of birds, also following the indications proposed by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. The document also reiterates that grazing and hunting are prohibited for 10 years in the stands of wooded areas affected by fire.

Finally, the recognition act for the approval of the prospectuses relating to the attribution to the individual regional departments of the ownership of the implementation of all the initiatives with regional co-financing included in each APQ and placed in special section 2 of the PSC was approved, again on the proposal of the Councillor for Agriculture.