No to wars, the indignant cry of ‘Free’ in Vibo. Borrello: “Lay prayer for suffering peoples”


By John

Also from Vibo Valentia a cry for peace rises loudly which «is intended to be a secular prayer – he explains Giuseppe Borrello (Free) – against every conflict, against the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and against all the conflicts being fought in the world. But it is also a way to escape from indifference.” The initiative, held a few hours ago in front of the cathedral of San Leoluca, also has a pedagogical function for Libera towards young people precisely because there is a need to escape from the silence and find ourselves together in the face of the sense of impotence and loneliness that test when faced with the world’s great problems such as war. Hence the need “to feel more and more like a community – adds Borello – to make that sense of collective solidarity felt strong to say enough to violence as the only solution to disputes between states”. Thirty-eight associations were present at the sit-in and hundreds of participants marched through the streets of the city with peace flags on their shoulders. «We are all here together – explains Maurizio Agostino (Agria) – environmentalists, associations, social cooperatives, foundations, to say no to war. And it is not a way to feel sorry for yourself, but it is a gesture of closeness towards those who seek peace. At this moment many children are dying in Gaza, in Ukraine, just as they are dying in the other 38 war scenarios in the world. So the time has come to say that humanity is incompatible with violence and that we must stop producing weapons.” Words full of meaning also from Teresa Esposito (regional head of PD women’s coordination), who underlines that «Vibo Valentia, last in all the rankings this time is the first to raise this great cry to say “Enough”, “Stop the fire”, “Start doing everything necessary from a diplomatic point of view to say that wars must be suspended immediately”». For Luigi Denardo (CGIL) the march for peace in the streets of Vibo represents a very important message, a small signal from a silent reality.” Also present at the sit-in was the Anpi, promoter of the permanent peace garrison. «All the wars that are bloodying the planet – states Carmine Armellino – cannot leave us indifferent. In the world, may diplomacy win over the voice of weapons.” For Anteas, Vibo Valentia volunteer Leo Monteleone on the front line «to loudly shout no to war, but in particular to reiterate that the law of love must prevail over any other law». Maurizio Greco (CSV coordinator of the province of Vibo Valentia) also reiterates the civil commitment of the world of volunteering against the atrocities of war. «None of us should feel extraneous to what happens in the world – observes Vladimira Pugliese (Pd) – As De Andrè sang, we are all involved when a single child, a single man, dies at the hands of a war».