Green light from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to the master plan of the new Pn Metro Plus programming for the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria. The official decree that marks the green light for the program of works and services prepared by the Municipal Administration of Reggio Calabria, in its capacity as Intermediate Body as the capital city of the Metropolitan City, has been officially signed in these hours. The mayor of Reggio Calabria Joseph Falcomata highlighted “the fruitful dialogue initiated with Minister Raffaele Fitto and with the entire ministerial structure”. The document provides for a total allocation of more than 190 million euros, which the Municipality of Reggio Calabria has allocated through a detailed spending program, approved by the Management Authority of the Pn Metro Plus following numerous checks and technical analyses. Among the most qualifying works is the completion of the Museo del Mare in Reggio Calabria, but also a series of projects relating to the welfare sector, intended for families and vulnerable individuals, the implementation of youth employment, training, self-entrepreneurship, energy transition, in addition to the advanced cultural district that will allow the organization of a series of cultural events already during this summer period.
“I would like to thank Minister Fitto and the entire structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for having responded promptly to the requests from the City of Reggio Calabria – said the mayor – the signing of the Decree allows us to immediately plan a series of interventions on which we had already worked in the preliminary phase and which will now be immediately effective. The Pn Metro Plus is for us a very important source of funding that follows the positive experience already achieved with the programming of the Pon Metro 14-20, for which Reggio has demonstrated its spending capacity and effectiveness in the programming of European funds”.
“In the next few days we will detail the works planned, so as to share with the entire community of Reggio the objectives that we have set for the next few months and for the years to come. In the meantime, we are enjoying this great result, the fruit of the teamwork carried out by the offices, with the supervision of the Councilor for Programming Carmelo Romeo, whom I thank for the commitment and self-denial with which he followed this game until the final approval”.
The comment of the Councilor for EU Programming Carmelo Romeo was of the same tenor. “We have worked in these months to be ready for the definitive signature of the program – he stated – and thanks to the work of our offices and the availability of the ministerial structure we certify today the very important result of this activity. We are happy to be able to announce the opening of a new phase for our city, that of the implementation of many works, projects, services, which we considered priority and which the Agency for Cohesion has rewarded by officially decreeing the financing of the program”.