Roberto Beneduci of UNICAL elected president of the International quantum structure association. The next conference in Tropea


By John

The Professor Roberto Beneduciof the Department of Physics of theUniversity of Calabriawas elected president of the International Quantum Structure Association.
The IQSA, it is written in a note from Unical, «is one of the most prestigious international scientific associations for the advancement and dissemination of structures based on quantum physics and its physical, mathematical, philosophical, applicative and interdisciplinary aspects. Among its founders is Prof. Peter Mittelstead, a student of Werner Heisenberg, founder of quantum mechanics and Nobel Prize winner in 1933».
The next conference of the International Quantum Structure Association is scheduled in Tropea (Vibo Valentia) in June 2025 and will be the occasion to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the birth of quantum mechanics.
Beneduci was elected during the works of the biennial conference Iqsa2024 which took place in Brussels. She replaces Professor Sonja Smet of the University of Amsterdam and the Institute for Logic Language and Computation.
«One of the main objectives of IQSA – continues the Unical note – is the study of the foundations of quantum physics from a physical, mathematical and philosophical point of view.
The IQSA includes physicists, mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, computer scientists from all over the world who, in addition to having contributed to clarifying some fundamental problems of quantum physics, have led to fruitful applications of quantum structures in psychology, economics, finance and artificial intelligence.