The South continues to mark time on the implementation of the Pnrr. Out of 81 billion euros of tenders announced, “only” 21 billion refer to the South, while 13 billion is the share of those awarded. To date, around 45 billion have been spent overall across the country, while after the review, the projects that the Plan is financing are 266,500 for a value of around 134 billion. «The South, I must say, is a little further behind», was the laconic comment of Biagio Mazzotta, general accountant of the State, who spoke on the last day of the Euro-Mediterranean Economics Festival staged in Naples.
As regards Calabria (source “Calabria Europa” portal), the latest update dating back to February speaks of 11.3 billion euros for a total of over 12,142 projects already started. However, of these only 777 (equal to 6.4%) are completed.