The elections in the United Statesthe dream of visiting the Chinathe pain of the war at Gazathe hard line against the abusethe condemnation of the death penalty. Pope Francison the return flight from the long journey that saw him for twelve days in Southeast Asia and in Oceaniaaddresses, in the press conference in flight from Singapore to Romedelicate issues, starting from the comparison for the new American President.
The answer, on a choice by Catholics, is harsh: “Both are against life, both the one who throws away migrants and the one who kills children”. “I will not go to vote there, but you can’t decide. Sending away the migrantsdo not give them the ability to work, do not give migrants welcome it’s a shame, it’s serious”. On theabortion instead he reiterates that “it is killing a human being. You don’t like the word? But it is killing”. And on the advice to give to the Catholic voter the Pope added: “In modern politics it is generally said that not voting is bad: it is not good – he admitted -, you have to vote and you have to choose the lesser evil“. “Who is the lesser evil, that lady or that gentleman?” – he asked on Kamala Harris And Donald Trump – Everyone should think and make their own choice in conscience.”
Among the topics, also that of Chinaafter the stage at Singapore where a large part of the population is Chinese. “China for me is an illusion, in the sense that I would like to visit China,” he said Pope Francisanswering journalists. «I am happy with the dialogues with China: the result is good, also for the appointment of bishops – he observed in view of the renewal of the two-year agreement, expected in October -. We are working with good will. I heard the Secretariat of State “As for how things are going, I’m happy.”
As for his next trips, he denied the rumours in the French media according to which December 8th should be Paris for the reopening of Notre Dame: «I will not go to Paris, I will not go». On the hypothetical trip to Argentina Bergoglio instead responded that “it is something that has not yet been decided. I would like to go, they are my people, I would like to go, but it is not yet decided, there are several things to resolve”. And if, in that case, he would make a stopover at Canary Islands«I think a bit about this, going to the Canary Islands, because there are situations there of migrants who come from the sea, and I would like to be close to the government, to the people of the Canaries”.
Then the question of the abuse: «Thesexual abuse of children, of minors, it is a crime, a shame”, he reiterated Pope Francis answering journalists, in particular on the case of theAbbé Pierreof the French community Emmaus. «A very sore point, very delicate – he defined it -. Good people, people who do good, then, with so much good done, it becomes clear that one is an ugly sinner. This is our human condition. And we must not say ‘let’s cover it up, let’s cover it up so it won’t be seen. Public sins are public, and must be condemned». «For example, Abbé Pierre – continued the Pontiff – is a man who did so much good, but also a sinner. We must speak clearly about these things, not hide. The work against the abuse It’s something we all have to do.”
Finally the pain for the war in Middle East. “I cannot qualify whether this act of war is too bloody or not. But please, when you see the bodies of the children killed, when you see that because of the presumption that there are guerrillas a school is bombed, this is bad, it is bad”. The voice of Pope Francis in answering, during the flight Singapore-Rometo a question from journalists on Gaza.