Privacy Tour 2024, the first stop starts from Messina to promote data protection and the conscious use of technologies


By John

The “Privacy Tour 2024” starts from the South, the initiative launched by the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data last September to call together public and private entities and push them to create awareness-raising courses in the places of our country where it is most necessary to offer opportunities for knowledge and in-depth analysis on protection issues of personal data and the responsible use of the web and technologies, first of all artificial intelligence. The Authority officially announced it today on the website and on institutional channels.

The first “stage” of the symbolic minibus representing the Tour will leave from Messina, on 11 and 12 April 2024, involving Sicily and Calabria. The initiative organized in the Sicilian city was joined by the Italian State Railways, Italian FS Foundation, Magna Grecia Foundation, Bonino Pulejo Foundation, University of Messina, Google, Meta and Società Editrice Sud Gazzetta del Sud Giornale di Sicilia, which over the last few years has developed consolidated training and information paths for its audience, in particular the younger ones, with the dissemination of issues relating to the protection of personal data.

The event will be divided into two parts

The press conference to launch the Tour will be held on Thursday 11 April, at 5pm, at the Messina Central Station, with the presence of the Guarantor's Board and the presentation of the new members joining the Tour. The place, chosen as the symbolic departure of the journey , was made available by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the FS Italiane Foundation, thus underlining their adherence to the Guarantor's call to action and their commitment to promoting issues related to privacy, with particular attention to vulnerable subjects .

On Friday 12 April, from 9.30 am, an event entitled “Privacy: information is protection” will take place at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele, in which, in addition to the Board of the Guarantor, numerous representatives of institutions, universities, the business world, of digital companies and Big Tech, experts, journalists, popularizers.

The Board of the Guarantor wanted to attribute a special symbolic value to the launch event of the “Privacy Tour”, deciding to organize for the first time in its history a plenary meeting outside the headquarters in Piazza Venezia in Rome: the meeting will be held in fact at the headquarters of the University of Messina, within the framework of the synergy which will also see the University return among the signatories, adhering to the path proposed by the Guarantor and committing itself to organizing awareness raising moments.

The “Privacy Tour”

The project launched by the Guarantor aims to promote activities and events in small municipalities and in the South, where people may have had less opportunity to discuss privacy issues. The objective is to avoid the risk of new cultural “divides” between those who know the opportunities and risks of digital society and know how to defend themselves, and those who do not possess this knowledge.

The list of signatories of the project, in addition to the Guarantor, and the new members can be consulted on the Guarantor's website by clicking on this link.