A meeting was held at Palazzo San Giorgio on the topic of mobility and the tourist prospects of the city of the Strait. In the meeting room, the Councilor for Sustainability and Accessibility, Paolo Malarahe met Antonino Tramontana And Filippo Arecchi, respectively responsible for the Tourism and Transport sections of Confindustria. The meeting represented an important moment of discussion to outline future strategies in a crucial area for the urban and economic development of the city.
Mobility and accessibility were discussed, with a particular focus on improving transport services and their impact for both residents and tourists. In fact, it was analyzed how the evolution of the transport network must support the influx of visitors, making Reggio Calabria increasingly attractive from a tourist point of view. A fundamental aspect of the discussion was the examination of the city’s master plan, which outlines the guidelines for its future development.
A central theme was the surface metro project, a key element for improving urban mobility. Councilor Malara had the opportunity to illustrate the overall vision of the city, as outlined in the master plan, with particular attention to aspects related to improving the efficiency of public transport. The surface metro, in fact, is configured as a fundamental solution to lighten city traffic, facilitating the daily movements of residents, but also those of tourists, in order to make the city more easily accessible.
Another crucial point discussed was that ofintermodality, with a particular focus on the connection between the airport, the port and the urban area. The surface metro, in particular, is intended to improve connections between these strategic areas, facilitating the flow of people and bringing the suburbs closer to the city center and vice versa. The objective is therefore to optimize the efficiency of the transport system, reducing travel times. Following this first meeting, it was decided to follow up the discussion through a permanent table, in which, in addition to the municipal administration and Confindustria, the Region, representatives of Ferrovie dello Stato and ANAS, University will participate, in order to involve everyone the main actors who will be able to contribute to the success of mobility projects and to further valorisation of the city’s infrastructure system.
The design of modern, efficient and sustainable mobility represents a priority for the future of Reggio Calabria, which aims to become a point of reference in terms of accessibility and quality of services for citizens and tourists.