The City Council approved the consolidated budget for the 2022 financial year. The Councilor for Finance illustrated the point in the chamber, Irene Calabròspeaking of a document that «closes with very positive data».
«The consolidated budget – the council delegate recalled – includes, within the municipal budget, the financial data of the investee companies Atam, Castore, Hermes and Trincal. The data produced by the companies are satisfactory and lead to an operating result under the responsibility of the parent company, in this case the Municipality, of 31 million”. To underline, according to Irene Calabrò, there are above all two elements that indicate the good performance of the financial management of the subsidiaries: «The increase in the availability of liquidity and their net worth which stands at around 40 million». «The positive evolution of control and the attention on the part of the administration – concluded the councilor – testifies to an activity which, over time, has focused on the recovery of companies, their strengthening of financial capacity and the consequent possibility of relaunching through new investments”.
For the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatàthe approval of the 2022 consolidated budget is fundamental because «it will allow the Commission for the stability of local authorities of the Interior Ministry, the control body of local authorities, to incorporate all the documentation useful for give the green light to the hiring plan in our city». «We must all be happy about this – she stated –. It is a journey that began some time ago, has gone through various phases and which now finds its conclusion to allow our administrative machine to equip itself with 135 new units. Lifeblood for our offices, therefore, which will be able to count on the support of young people, professionals, and many people from Reggio who will have the opportunity to stay and work for our city.”
The mayor then focused on some topics discussed during the preliminary phase of the council’s work such as, for example, the initiatives for the Christmas holidays: «By custom and tradition, on the evening of the Day of the Immaculate Conception, it will be lit the big Christmas tree. It will be a moment in which the community will come together in a single embrace during a popular demonstration.”
The tenant of Palazzo San Giorgio also reserved a passage of his speech for the latest ranking on the quality of life published by Sole24ore: «We must analyze similar rankings with due attention and prudence. They point to us as a reality that is rather poor in terms of economies and culture. Everything can be said except that Reggio is poor in cultural initiatives. Or again, just to stay in the last few days, one of the giants of technological commerce has decided to invest in the city by opening, the only case in the South, a “smart” store in the historic center. I imagine, therefore, that the managers of this large company will have carried out a market survey before taking such an important step.”
In Reggio, therefore, you can do business and you can create culture: «I take this opportunity to thank the Region and the FilmCommission for choosing to invest in the docufilm dedicated to the Riace Bronzes and which, yesterday, we presented at the National Archaeological Museum together with vice president Giusi Princi. This Palomar production will be screened at the “Versace” hall of the Cedir, recently renovated with a 5×4 video wall for high resolution images, and the school matinees have already begun today. Our city, unlike many others, has a story to tell. And who, if not us, can become interpreters of the right narrative of our territory?”. «The 4.5 million tender for tourism entrepreneurship has just ended», he continued, inviting the councilors «to talk about this precisely at a time when the Northern League has filed an agenda in Parliament, according to which the professors from the North should earn more than those from the South.” «How do we plan to retain our young people if similar proposals are presented?», commented Falcomatà commenting: «How can we move forward if the Government wants to cut the resources already programmed by the Municipalities for the Pnrr works? We are fully aware of the importance of discussion.”
Before the mayor, the councilor Rocco Albanese and the councilors Antonino Castorina, Giuseppe Sera and Carmelo Versace spoke. The session opened with a greeting from the Prime Minister, Enzo Marra, and from the “Battaglia” room to the new general secretary of the organisation, Antonella Criaco, who, in thanking the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà and the entire meeting, said she was “honored to have accepted such an important role which will be carried out with a strong sense of responsibility”.