The queues at Palazzo Piacentini return. The MArRC confirms itself as a cultural attraction. The temple of the history of the territory cradle of Magna Graecia in factIn the first 16 days of August it counted around 25 thousand admissions. The best data recorded in all of Calabria. A podium that confirms the still unexpressed potential of the territory that timidly appears on the scenarios of tourist flows.
The MArRC continues to attract tens of thousands of visitors week after week. Tourists and not only returning Calabrians who have braved the heat to admire the evidence of a thousand-year history. High presence of foreignerson some days the line ran along the building even along via Vollaro. Certainly the main attraction, not only of Palazzo Piacentini but of the entire territory, are the two warriors of the 5th century BC, a driving force for the presence in the city. Many visitors arrive at the Museum believing they will find only the Riace Bronzes; instead they discover an extraordinary story, which is that of Calabria in ancient times. A discovery that winds along the 4 floors up to the terrace. A mission that the director of the Museum, Fabrizio Sudano at the helm of the MArRC for eight months has built with commitment. «A choral effort by all, I thank each figure who in these months has made possible the incredible initiatives realized, from the jazz concert to the presentation of Vecchioni’s book, from the exhibition of the Bronzes of San Casciano to the extraordinary openings on summer Fridays.