The water crisis has died down, but controversies have flared up in the Chamber. The new Giardino 2 well, built at the end of October to overcome the emergency in the villages of Giardino, Quartarello and San Gaetano, ended up in the city council for the approval of the four off-balance sheet debts resulting from the urgent assignment of the works and the assignments necessary to avoid inconvenience to the population.
If there was no discussion on the two tanker interventions to supply families, which cost 4,880 euros, as the existence of the urgent requirements was recognized and the resolutions were approved unanimously, the debate was triggered by the the drilling of the land (carried out by the company “Carini Trivellazioni Srl” of Acquedolci for 52,724 euros) and the commissioning of the well (“Ma.No. Tecnologie e Ambiente Srls” of S. Teresa di Riva for 19,595 euros).
The Board of Auditors, composed of Giuseppe Cinà (president), Cesare Tajana And Angelo Puglisi, in fact, it expressed opinions not favorable to the recognition of the legitimacy of off-balance sheet debts, believing that «the law allows the utmost urgency for public works caused by the occurrence of an exceptional or unforeseeable event» while the activities cannot be subject to utmost urgency «in as the work of drilling and building a well can, rightly, be included in the ordinary planning of public works”.