“As every year, if it doesn’t arrive at least by July 20th, it’s difficult to talk about the summer season here. This year, given the trend at the end of July, I think that summer has been shortened by at least a week.” This is what the owner of Lido Ulisse says, Frank Paonessawhose reflection practically reflects that of the other colleagues managing the beach establishments of Squillace.
Like every year, there are quite a few people who choose to visit the charming town overlooking the gulf of the same name. But everything is limited to the first twenty days of August. “On Sunday it was packed,” Paonessa reveals, “but by Monday the situation had returned to June levels. The change in our area is not yet visible. Targeted policies should be adopted. Round-trip flights from various countries around the world are essential, guaranteeing a frequent arrival of people going on vacation at least once a week.”
Even the managers of Pirghos Beach, Mimmo and Alessio Cerulloare of the opinion that «in July the season was slow». «Few tourists were seen – they underline – and those present are emigrant villagers, the real tourist is not there. Even if the local presence is good, we cannot speak of real tourism». Dawn Naples, owner of the historic Lido di Squillace, the start was a bit slow due to the well-known problems with concessions. “We started with a bit of fear – he emphasizes – with many more thoughts than usual. In June and July the greatest attendance was recorded on Saturdays and Sundays. We expect to recover until August 20th”.