Taxes, over 22 billion refunded to families and businesses in 2023. More than 12% compared to the previous year


By John

The total sum reimbursed by the tax authorities this year to families and businesses exceeds 22.4 billion euros. 2023 therefore ends with the best result ever: 2.5 billion more disbursed compared to 2022, when 19.9 billion were reimbursed (+12%) and a record also for the number of payments, which exceeded the bar of 3.4 million (55 thousand more than last year) never reached so far. Of the 22.4 billion in total tax refunds paid in 2023 (data as of 21.12.23), more than 4 billion concern direct tax refunds: 2.7 billion of Irpef returned to the availability of families and over 1.3 billion of Ires returned to businesses. Of the 2.7 billion euros credited to individuals, 1.5 billion have been paid (by bank transfer or check) directly from the Revenue Agency to almost 2 million citizens who submitted form 730 by the end of September without indicating an employer to receive the credit on their pay slip. In practice, underlines the Revenue Agency, even those who lost their jobs still received the reimbursement due quickly.

VAT holders (businesses, artisans and professionals) were instead granted refunds of the Value Added Tax amounting to almost 18 billion. Also returned to the community was 439 million relating to other taxes (registration, government concessions, direct taxes deriving from IRAP deductibility). If, instead of the amounts, we consider the number of payments made, over 3.4 million reimbursement requests were positively closed by the Agency this year: Irpef reimbursements were just under 3.3 million (around 96% of the total ) and 100 thousand VAT refunds. Finally, in the order of a few tens of thousands (48 thousand in total), the IRES refunds and those relating to other taxes managed by the Agency.