Terrible crash in the night at the Sibari lakes: four injured, one transported by helicopter to Cosenza


By John

A very violent collision occurred last night, around 1.30am, along the road that connects State Road 106 and the Sibari Lakes.

Two cars involved: a Porsche Cayenne and a Mercedes E-Class collided head-on for reasons yet to be clarified.

The impact was devastating with the two cars reduced to a pile of sheet metal. The following immediately arrived on the scene: the vigilantes of the Sibari Lakes, the Carabinieri of the local Cassano Company, who carried out the surveys of the accident and regulated the traffic, and three ambulances of 118. The intervention of the firefighter teams of the Corigliano-Rossano detachment was also necessary, who had to work with pneumatic cutters to extract the occupants of the passenger compartments.
The toll of the collision, at the moment, is four injured (the most seriously transferred by helicopter to the hospital of Cosenza, the other three to the hospital of Corigliano Rossano) but not in danger of life with one of the two occupants of the cars extracted by the firefighters who suffered a broken arm and a leg. Both injured people were transferred to hospital.