The 2024 budget comes to life: cutting the wedge, new Irpef with three rates and there’s the bonus… Christmas


By John

One hundred euros net more in the thirteenth year of employees with an income of up to 28 thousand euros and at least one child. However, the benefit will not be automatic, but you will have to request it. This is how the Christmas bonus designed by the government to provide relief to lower incomes, while awaiting the measures of the budget. The contours of which will begin to become clearer this week, with the final rush on the Structural Budget Plan to be sent to Brussels. At the MEF, all eyes are on Monday’s appointment, when Istat will release the general revision of the annual estimates which should hold some positive news for the GDP. A crucial piece of data, which will serve to complete Psb, the scheme of which was already presented in the meeting last week. And which now, once the new data has been received, should require a new passage in the CDM before sending it to Parliament for examination. Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti has already anticipated that an “upward” correction will come from Istat, albeit a “modest” one: therefore, compared to the objectives to be presented to the EU, something will change, even if “it will not be the solution to the problems” , slows down Giorgetti. Who repeats again: «There are no treasures». A caution that the minister will certainly reiterate again on Wednesday when he meets with the social partners on the PSB. At Palazzo Chigi the outline of the Plan will be presented by the owner of the Treasury, together with the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano, first to the trade unions and then to the companies. Who will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to reiterate to the government the priorities in view of the budget, from pensions to investments. At the moment the certainties of the next budget law are the confirmation of the wedge cut and the new three-rate Irpef.

Also on the menu are the extension of the mothers’ bonus to self-employed workers and the single allowance, with some adjustments. Everything else depends on resources. «We don’t have any money», jokes the deputy prime minister and leader of the League Matteo Salvini: «We are reasoning with Giorgetti, already replicating the wedge and Irpef is «ambitious». The League in particular is working to further raise the flat tax ceiling, repeats Salvini, who also cares about the housing dossier. Forza Italia insists on minimum pensions. While FdI once again brought the banks into play, intercepting the opening of the Azzurri on a hypothetical solidarity contribution, to perhaps also be extended to insurance companies and energy companies. Meanwhile, the Christmas Bonus, intended for low incomes, is taking shape. The measure is black and white in a government amendment to the omnibus decree, on which the Senate Budget and Finance committees will begin voting on Monday. The allowance of 100 euros net, for a total cost of 100.3 million, is intended for employees with an income of up to 28 thousand euros and with a spouse and at least one dependent child for tax purposes, or with at least one child in a single-parent household: it will arrive in the thirteenth grade, but the worker will have to request it. Finally, on the resources front, the matter of the biennial preventive agreement for the self-employed comes to life, from which the government hopes to raise the resources necessary to extend the Irpef reduction to the middle classes too, up to 50-60 thousand euros. With the aim of raising taxpayers’ awareness of the advantages and risks, flat-rate and Isa subjects (subject to synthetic reliability indices) have had a summary note from the Revenue Agency available in their tax drawers since yesterday in which the effects of the membership. The benefits are remembered, such as the possibility of opting for a substitute tax and taxes frozen for two years. But also the risk of incurring controls for those who do not join.