The Calabrian Regional Council on Autonomy: “National unity is thus at risk”


By John

The “dangers” of differentiated autonomy appear in the Economic and Financial Document approved in recent days by the Regional Council and now transferred to the Council for final approval. There are «significant risks for national unity, social cohesion and territorial equity” we read in a chapter of the substantial dossier where future scenarios for the Calabrian economy are drawn.

In the Defr, the Calabria Region recalls that the law «strongly supported by Minister Roberto Calderoli intended to provide a unitary framework for the application of Article 116 of the Constitution, which allowed the Regions with ordinary statute to request the transfer of specific competences from the State. Although the declared objective was to strengthen the principle of subsidiarity and improve administrative efficiency, the implications of the law were nevertheless complex and gave rise to many concerns, both in terms of the methods of implementation of the reform, from a legal procedural point of view, and to the financial aspects and the consequent possible increase in territorial inequalities. The Council’s decision has at the moment objectively put a brake on the process of devolution of functions and competences, and the ball is passed back to the Government, and therefore to Parliament, in any case net of what could theoretically still happen with the referendum”.