Messina welcomed i Negramaroprotagonists of a special stage in Cape Peloro. After the concert in Catania and traveling to Reggio Calabria, the band chose to stop in Peloro House for a lunch dedicated to the typical flavors of the Strait.
To welcome them, their friend In Cutugnotreasurer of the Pro Loco Casa Peloro (who kindly provided the video and images we propose)who did the honors. The menu celebrated the Sicilian tradition with dishes such as spade rolls, fried cod and squid, albacore and aubergine meatballsand a tasty one bonito burger. They were not missed arancini and the classics cannoli with ricotta to end on a sweet note.
The day was immortalized in a photo in front of the mural of Peloro House. The facility also celebrated the visit on social media, describing it as “wonderful”, a tribute to the band’s lyrics. There Pro Loco Capo Peloro it is a cultural and tourist reference for Torre Faro, where the historic Pylon stands on the Strait. Among his initiatives, the Capo Peloro Festan event that every year attracts thousands of visitors with music and art, contributing to the valorisation of the area.