The 12,000 Italian newsstands are a social hub. There are fewer and fewer but the bleeding seems to have stopped thanks to public support. Support that is renewed: the Revenue Agency on its webzine, FiscoOggi explains how to obtain a contribution. Applications (which started last February 8th) can be submitted by March 8th. The one-off contribution – explains the Agency – is a flat rate and is recognized regardless of the number of sales points.
The bonus can reach up to 2 thousand euros, and rises to 3 thousand euros for exclusive sales points located in internal areas. The financial support is recognized upon the implementation of at least one of the following activities carried out in the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023: implementation of home delivery projects for daily newspapers and periodicals; Sunday opening equal to at least 50% of Sundays on an annual basis; supply of publications to neighboring businesses.
The activation of one or more additional sales points is also required. According to a recent survey by the National Autonomous Newsagents Union, there are around 12 thousand newsstands in Italy today and, of these, almost half carry out activities other than the sale of newspapers and periodicals, which however remains prevalent. Between 2021 and 2022 they recorded a contraction of 3.5%, but the negative trend has significantly attenuated compared to recent years (-13.3% in the period 2018-2019 and -6.5% between 2020 and 2021) also thanks to the support measures for the sector which have reduced the loss of businesses.
In fact, the risk of desertification is strong in many municipalities, especially where the presence of sales outlets is more fragile, limited or even non-existent: 25% of Italian municipalities do not have a newsstand, while 30% (around 2,500 municipalities) it only has one resale.
The applications, specifies the notice published on the website of the Department for Information and Publishing, can be submitted exclusively electronically, through the specific procedure available in the reserved area of the portal, accessible by clicking on the link “Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for information and publishing” > “One-off bonus for newsstands 2023” in the “Online services” menu, after authentication via Spid, Cns or electronic identity card (Cie) .
The same companies are also entitled to a contribution for expenses incurred in 2022 for Imu, Tasi, Cosap, Tosap, Tari, rental fees, electricity supply services, telephone and Internet connection services, purchase or rental of cash registers or telematic recorders, purchase or rental of POS devices and other expenses incurred for digital transformation and technological modernization, net of VAT.