The single and universal allowance becomes proactive: easier access for new parents. The INPS INSTRUCTIONS email arrives


By John

In the case of birth of the first child you hate integration of the benefit already perceived for other dependent children, from September 2023 INPS will send email communications to invite the new parents to present the application for a single and universal allowance.

The communication will be forwarded via the Proactivity Platform, created with PNRR funds, which recognizes the birth of a child as an enabling event for the right to the single and universal allowance.

To receive personalized messages from the Institute, users must give consent by accessing the area MyINPS of the portal and clicking on “Go to your consents”. In the section “Adherence to proactive services” you can view all the information on proactive services and join by clicking on “I agree”.

Proactivity towards citizens is part of a broader process of simplification of administrative activity, aimed at strengthening the relationship of trust with users, through an approach that anticipates and aims to quickly satisfy needs, before a specific request is presented of performance.

Proactive services are carried out by INPS in compliance with the legislation on the processing of personal data.

The message 4 September 2023, n. 3078

In the process of progressive simplification of administrative activity, of building a solid relationship of trust with the citizen, INPS foresees the gradual transition from the traditional reactive approach to a new paradigm, whereby the service anticipates and aims to quickly satisfy the needs of the citizen, even before a specific request for service is submitted. In this sense, the 2022-2025 Digital Strategic Plan envisages proactivity as an important line of innovation and the Board of Directors’ Determination n. 92 of 8 June 2022, defined the guidelines for the introduction of proactive services in compliance with current legislation on the processing of personal data.

As part of the offer of this type of service, starting from the month of September, on the occasion of the birth of a child, INPS will proceed to send parents a communication via e-mail, inviting them to submit an application to request the Universal Single Allowance or integrate the benefit already received for other dependent children.

The new service is provided through the Proactivity Platform, financed by the PNRR, which allows the new birth to be detected as an enabling event for the right to the Single Universal Allowance.

In particular, the communication is addressed to users who have given consent to receive proactive communications from INPS. In this regard, please remember that, as already described in Hermes message no. 333 of 01/20/2023, to receive personalized content and services in proactive mode from INPS, users can connect to the institutional website and access their MyINPS area within which, by clicking on “Go to your consents” , they will be able to view all the information relating to proactive services, in the “Adherence to proactive services” section and join by clicking on “I agree”.