The Wide Field on the Avs Stage: The Permanent Table is Underway. Schlein, Conte, Fratoianni-Bonelli and Magi Draw the Perimeter


By John

The leaders of the wide field they go on stage with a shared message: we are the political core of the alternative coalition to the right. The perimeter of the alliance of center-left is the one traced by the borders of the Nomentano Park in Rome. And from here, on the proposal of Richard Magithe green light is given to the “permanent consultation table”. Even if differences on the foreign policyfrom the US elections to the conflict in Ukraine.

Alliance, Greens and Left Party

On the banks of theAnienefor the feast of Green and Left AllianceThere are Elly Schlein, Joseph Conte, Nicholas Fratoianni, Angel Bonelli And Richard Magi. They are missing Matthew Renzi And Charles Calenda. But from here, even before the debate between the five begins, the objective appears clear: the challenge to the government continues with renewed impetus MelonsThe common commitment is to enhance convergences and work on disagreements, starting from the construction of a programmatic platform.

The political perimeter of the centre-left

Among the top Demthere seems to be no doubt: this is the political and unitary perimeter of the opposition forces, which are preparing to govern the country. As the secretary of the Pd Schleinhowever, the line remains against the vetoes. After a summer animated by the attempt to Renzi to move Italy Alive in the centre-left, a small glimmer of hope remains open for discussion starting from the five priorities launched by the leader Reggio Emilia. “People are fed up with condominium squabbles, we need to join forces on concrete issues,” says the leader.

Building a programmatic foundation

«From here, today, the ‘Common Earth’ of the centre-left starts for the construction of a programmatic basis, let’s build a common programme in Parliament and in the country», he urges Bonelli Of Green Europe. The reflection is supported by Fratoianni Of Italian Left. «The one on the stage, we would like to be the core of the coalition», he explains. «A group – he adds – that seeks the greatest possible convergence and takes charge of building the alternative, the perimeter is useful if it is credible and brings people back to voting, the algebraic sum leads nowhere».

M5S and the veto on Renzi

When it comes to the quintet of leaders on stage, the top brass M5s they get straight to the point: “we are certainly the forces that have worked most coherently and convincingly together in Parliament to build an alternative to the right and that are committed to doing so in the coming months”. Now more than ever, the veto on Renzi shows no signs of falling. Several 5s parliamentarians insist: «public ethics, the fight against profiteering and reliability are not simple condominium squabbles, but the core business of the agreement on a credible and alternative program». In short, around here, the door remains closed to Renzi.

The differences between the parties

While Actionwith the words of Calendarat the moment he is keeping out of it: «we are divided on the issues and that is why we are not in the broad field, which is a big mess». Also Magi Of +Europewho is on stage, underlines the differences that still remain between the five parties. From the war in Ukraine to the Jobs Act, passing through the role of theEU and the agenda Dragons. But he reiterates: «we need a permanent table that builds convergences by working on the differences».

The challenge of the wide field

For the “political core” of the wide fieldthe centrist wing is not the only puzzle. Differences on issues remain, and the road to smoothing them out remains long.