At the beautiful and exciting ceremony for the naming of the Trebisacce seafront after the architect Mariano Bianchi, former Mayor of the City, whose sign was discovered by the Mayor Alex Aurelio together with their children Amedeo and Eugenio Bianchi and his wife Mariella Gioiaamong others, also the regional councilor for agriculture took part and spoke Gianluca Gallothe President of the Pollino National Park Domenico Pappaterrathe regional councilor and Mayor of Castrolibero Orlandino Greco and the senator Mario Occhiutor.
The new Parish Priest was also present together with the numerous civil, military and religious authorities, the associations and the many who packed the Amphitheatre. Don Pasquale Zipparri who on the same day took over the leadership of the Immaculate Heart Parish of Trebisacce.
The extraordinary and well-attended event, interrupted several times by moments of emotion and applause, was interspersed with valuable musical contributions performed by the Gustav Mahler Music Academy directed by the Maestro Francesco Martinoin memory of Mariano Bianchi, of his cheerfulness, his smile and his remembered and praised human, professional and public administrator qualities.