“The territorial economy – Strengthening the local – Prospering globally”. This is the title of first edition of the Economics Festival promoted and organized by the students of the ITE “G. Galilei” of Vibo Valentia on the occasion of student week. Promoter of the initiative, Francesco Cariello, student representative together with other young colleagues. Five days of debates on various topics regarding financial education and forms of access to credit, the management of a public body, the importance of infrastructure for economic development, tax evasion and much more.
This morning one of the most important moments with the debate on the topic of the difficulty of entrepreneurs investing in our territory. The protagonists are the Libera association with the regional representative Giuseppe Borrello, Carmine Zappia, an entrepreneur from Nicotera who had the courage to denounce, as well as the chef from Reggio Filippo Cogliandro, the prof. Dario Musolino and the journalist Mimmo Famularo.
“We wanted to organize – he says Francesco Cariello – something constructive within the student week to give us students an opportunity to discuss very important and current issues linked to the local economy and to all a series of facets which also and above all concern our local economy. A Festival organized entirely by us students, by me, by my colleague Giuseppe Profiti and other students and for us it is certainly a week of enrichment and learning beyond teaching”.