The Cavallaro Administration could restart soon, after the latest vicissitudes which saw the two majority groups distance themselves from the mayor. However, nothing is certain yet about what the new structure will be. However, the latest meetings between Cavallaro and his advisors could in a certain sense have healed the misunderstandings that have arisen within the team over the last few months. From what emerges in the Tyrrhenian town, recent meetings have been aimed at finding a solution. In fact, the mayor has not yet released any statements or announced what his choice will be, but perhaps things have calmed down after the discontent that arose following the revocation of the councilors’ powers, which occurred more than a month ago.
Taking a step back, a few months after the installation of the municipal council, and therefore from the elections of June 2022, due to some political differences within the majority, a real split was created, which led to the original team to distinguish itself into two groups. This was already a first step that fueled misunderstandings, which in turn compromised administrative serenity, and primarily that of the mayor. The latter initially acted with moderation, always showing himself inclined to find the right union of intentions in the team and a balance that could stem the friction. Evidently all this did not occur and this in a certain sense “forced” him to question the entire group. He therefore decided to revoke the delegations of the five councilors Barbara Di Salvo, Gianfranca Alessi, Nino Costa, Gaetano Lamberto and Angelo Giacobbe, starting from the assumption that a reflection would be good for everyone. While waiting for a new redistribution of delegations, however, the two majority groups “Villafranca bene comune” and “Coherence and concreteness” have decided in recent days to withdraw their councilors from the Executive, attributing to the mayor the responsibility of not having still decided.