«Our city was not surprised by the sudden drop in temperatures in recent days. The center for the homeless has been active for some time, through a complete and organized service that starts from the street unit and reaches social assistance and support for access to health services”. Thus the mayor of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Falcomatà who in these hours, accompanied by the manager of the Welfare sector, Francesco Barreca, visited the structure which came into operation a few weeks ago, achieving one of the essential objectives of the Area Plan, in relation to disadvantaged people. The service is activated in the heart of the city, in a space easily accessible by people in need of a place to sleep.
«A service – adds the mayor – which is managed through a cooperative which, naturally, does not want to represent a point of arrival, but which is a starting point for those who not only need a roof, but who require administrative assistance for practices and problems. It is a great pride for our Reggio, if we think that, until a few years ago, the cold emergency was dealt with in different ways. On one occasion, the doors of the gallery of Palazzo San Giorgio were opened with a solidarity race to give comfort to those who did not have a roof to shelter from the cold. Today, however, there is a coordinated, planned and serious service that allows these people not to have problems throughout the year.”
The reception structure, with 15 places, is located in Via Vecchia Cimitero, in the premises of the former G. Pascoli state nursery school. Access can take place voluntarily or upon notification from the Municipal Social Services, the Police Force, voluntary bodies and associations or even private citizens.. Entrance to the guest reception is from 7.00pm to 10.30pm and is daily. Guests can stay at the property from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am.
The home management service for the homeless, for people in conditions of extreme poverty or marginality, is combined with the social emergency intervention service. It was financed by the “Prins”, Social Intervention Projects, within the Pon inclusion for 121 thousand euros. Within the service entrusted, following an open tender procedure, to the “Vita Sì” Cooperative, there are various professional figures: social workers, pedagogists, guidance counselors, nurses, psychologists and mediators.