CGIL, CISL and UIL promoted a sit-in in Catanzaro this morning to denounce the emergency situation in Italy and Calabria regarding accidents at work. The unions developed, and subsequently delivered to the prefect of Catanzaro, a document in which they made a series of requests to the government and the Calabria region, in light of the recent tragedies that have also affected the Calabrian territory. Among the requests of CGIL, CISL and UIL, greater prevention, a strengthening of controls, a tightening of sanctions against companies that do not respect safety protocols, more hiring in the Labor Inspectorate and in local medicine, the establishment of a national prosecutor’s office. At the regional level the unions have asked for the activation of a table open to economic and social forces, to Inail and to all the competent institutions, and the establishment of a commission in the Calabria Region “because – it was said during the sit-in – observers are no longer needed.” The general secretary of the CGIL Area Vasta Enzo Scalese, the general secretary of the CISL Magna Graecia Salvatore Mancuso and the general secretary of the Uil Calabria Santo Biondo spoke at the event. “We express closeness to the families of the victims but – the union leaders claimed – we must underline that solidarity is no longer enough: It is now a silent massacre, unworthy of a civilized country. In Calabria, as in the rest of the country, the situation has become unacceptable and intolerable. With this sit-in we want to position our region as a trailblazer for a real change of pace on the issue of safety in the workplace”.

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