The lawyer Armando Venetoafter his acquittal on the charge of corruption of a magistrate, reiterated, in a press note, “what I have always thought about the possible error of a judge and the reparation that the system provides, as happened in my case Justice belongs to men and, therefore, it can also make mistakes: the important thing is to remedy any errors, deepening the knowledge of the facts, without prevention and with respect for the fundamental principle of innocence until the trial reaches its conclusion. its conclusion. A mission that the Lawyers must carry out with dignity and firmness, so that the acquittal achieved can be the occasion for a confrontation experienced with style and with the guarantee of the judge's freedom, without ever transcending into preconceptions, superficiality and op01unism. Of course the 4 years of suffering will not be repaid to me! But they will serve to strengthen the daily battle for the protection of citizens' rights with renewed vigor, which I have consistently pushed forward throughout my professional activity and in the fulfillment of the public roles I hold”.

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