«The government of Sicilian region has always shared the strategic nature of this great work, essential for the development of Southern Italy and all of Italy. So much so that in October I sent Minister Salvini a note informing him that the council had unanimously decided to be ready to collaborate with one billion euros of FSC resources.”
The president of the Sicilian Region said it Renato Schifani, speaking on Skytg24. «Funds – continued the president – which have now been taken by authority from the national government for an amount even greater than 300 million euros. The topic is delicate because it sets a precedent. There is always a need for consultation between the various levels of the State, as required by the Constitution. So I hope that this event does not happen again because it would open up an institutional conflict that no one wants».
Meanwhile in the centre-right there are those who are trying to throw water on the fire. «Today we talk about the Messina bridge and it is represented as a flag of Minister Salvini, but in reality we know that it was an idea thought up by President Berlusconi for many years, it is an infrastructure in which we believe, the entire center-right believes in the opportunity to launch this great work». Thus said the Minister of Public Administration, Paolo Zangrilloguest of Start on Sky Tg24.
«Choices have been made to define the responsibility of the resources to carry out this work. I believe in the dialectic that there will be in the government to ensure that there is satisfaction with the realization of this work. Calabria and Sicily, which are managed by two exponents of Forza Italia and who are in favor of the realization of this work, must take everything else into account, so we will find a way to give satisfaction» stated the minister.