There Council of the Calabria Regionin today’s sitting, on the proposal of the President, Roberto Occhiutoapproved the Annual plan of the activities of the regional body for legality checks (Orecol). The regional body proposes guidelines for the internal control systems of the regional council, of the instrumental bodies and of the controlled companies making up the public administration group, also providing indications regarding the methodologies and procedures aimed at simplifying, improving and making transparent the activities of regional contracting authorities and sector operators, with the aim of preventing, identifying and combating the risks of corruption, illegality and criminal infiltration.
The Council then approved the plan for the periodic rationalization of direct and indirect regional corporate shareholdings for the year 2023, maintaining the shareholdings of the following companies: Banca Popolare Etica Scpa, Ferrovie della Calabria, Fincalabra, Sacal, Sorical, Stretto di Messina , Tech4you Sc, Terme Sibaritide. With the same act it is established that the competent regional Departments ensure compliance with the regulations in force regarding the containment of the expenses of the investee companies and send, within three months of the approval of the Rationalization Plan, an appropriate report to the Regional Council regarding the possible failure and unjustified achievement of spending containment objectives.
With another resolution by President Occhiuto, the functions and activities of the administrative structures of the Regional Council were also redefined, specifically in the supervisory activities of investee companies, foundations and instrumental bodies.
At the request of the Councilor for Organization and Human Resources, Vice President Filippo Pietropaolo, following the procedure initiated pursuant to Article 19 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, the general management roles were conferred on Maurizio Nicolai, Unitary Programming Department, and to Claudio Moroni, Infrastructure and Public Works Department.
Also decided, on the proposal of the Councilor for Agriculture, Gianluca Gallo, was the appointment of Fulvia Caligiuri as director of Arsac (Regional Company for the Development of Agriculture).
With another measure by councilor Gallo, following the favorable opinion of the VI commission of the Regional Council, the regulation implementing Regional Law 18/2007 on Civic Uses was also approved.
The Council then approved two other acts by the councilor for social policies, culture, youth policies and sport, Caterina Capponi. With a resolution, the permanent technical table on family foster care was established which will include, in addition to the competent councilor and the managers of the Calabria Region, also the delegates of the Juvenile Court of Calabria, of the ANCI, of the Guarantor Authority for childhood and adolescence, of associations. Among the tasks of the Table is also that of enhancing the primary role of the Region in the planning, management and coordination of activities on family and extra-family foster care, of designing common methodological paths for the various foster care services operating in the regional territory, strengthening the use of forms of reception and support that prevent the minor’s removal from the family unit.
With the second act, the programming of the Fund for assistance to people with severe disabilities without family support in the Calabria Region for the two-year period 2022-2023 was established. The financial allocation, guaranteed by resources from the “After us” Fund, is 2,427,590.00 euros for 2022 and the same amount for 2023.
Finally, on the proposal of the councilor for work, professional training, environment and tourism, Giovanni Calabrese, the organization regulation, staffing and three-year plan for the personnel needs of the Calabria Regional Agency for Active Labor Policies was approved. Today’s provision, also following consultation with trade union representatives, will lead to the permanent stabilization of employees under regional law 54/2016. With the new organization, order is brought to the former Calabria Work Company. The new Arpal Calabria is effectively taking shape.