“We don’t know what the sources of the local sports press are Bresciabut objectively it has a certain effect to read that from federal circles the rejection of the appeal to the Council of State of Reggina and therefore the admission of Brescia to the Serie B championship is considered certain. We have faith in sports institutions and we are certain that no one in the federal environment could have said such a thing. It would be serious to imagine that someone, by leaking confidence in the admission of the Rondinelle to the cadet championship, perhaps thinks of putting pressure on the decision of the Council of State”. the acting mayors of Reggio Calabria, Paolo Brunetti and Carmelo Versace.
“We don’t know how this absurd story will end – they add – we certainly don’t dare to anticipate its epilogue. What is certain is that we do not allow anyone to try to put the cart before the horse, even more if this attempt, albeit awkward , goes in the direction of polluting the serenity of the judges who will have the scope to analyze the reasons of the amaranth team and that we are sure they will do it in a clear and free from any conditioning”.
“Meanwhile – conclude Brunetti and Versace – the history of football gives us a certain and incontrovertible fact: at the end of last championship, Reggina had deserved Serie B on the field, even going to the playoffs for Serie A; at Brescia, on the other hand, it is touched the relegation to C”.