Catanzaro, regional capital, Catanzaro, city of Health. These two vocations of the city walk on a parallel track, but the track seems destined to travel an uphill path or even to stop if the Calabrian politics does not recognize the city of the Three Hills concretely the dual role of institutional-administrative center of gravity of the region and of reference health center for the population of Calabria.
The double concern is all within the folds of the City Council session that last Thursday focused exclusively on the Sant’Anna Hospital affair. On the health aspects, the mayor’s intervention, Nicholas Floweryhad summarized the thinking of the municipal administration.
The majority councilor returned to the topic yesterday, especially the rumored transfer of funds for the Catanzaro hospital Vincenzo Capellupo: «We would not like some absences to confirm the feeling that there is a precise political will to weaken the health system of the regional capital – he writes –. I am thinking in this regard, and just to mention a few facts, of the paradoxical events that led to the birth of the Faculty of Medicine in Cosenza; of the 200 million euros that art. 20 of law 67/88 provided for the new hospital in Catanzaro and that have been moved to other territories; of the crisis that is affecting the social-welfare system such as the situation of the workers of Fondazione Betania. Therefore, starting from the S. Anna Hospital, a more comprehensive reflection on the social-health system of the regional capital is needed».