There are only a few hours left to unravel the attacking knot, until 8pm this evening. Like many other Serie B clubs, Catanzaro reached the last day of the transfer market without having achieved its objective: to sign a powerful center forward who completes the characteristics of the department. Sports director Magalini has been at the Sheraton in Milan since yesterday to attempt the coup following two paths.
The first is independent of technical counterparts, in this case among the targets is Di Serio of Atalanta Under 23, who the Bergamo players would like to sell outright, monetizing the investment only six months ago. Di Serio is a 2002 but he has already made the B and responds to the identikit made by Vivarini. The second path would hypothesize the exchange with Donnarumma, who arrived in the summer on loan from Ternana, but never really convincing. In any case, this last operation is also quite complicated because there are few structured attackers and those who have them are oriented towards keeping them. The example of Sampdoria with De Luca, who became the starter due to the many injuries up front in Pirlo’s team, is enough: the Blucerchiati said a firm no to the survey started by Calabria despite the boy being initially available for the transfer.
Moro, on the other hand, is a different matter, because the center forward owned by Sassuolo and on loan to Spezia had already rejected Catanzaro this summer, he also said no thanks at the beginning of this session, then he gradually changed except to return to his he passes convinced by the enticements of Reggiana, who would take him on loan for eighteen months and would guarantee him space as a starter due to Gondo’s injury, and in any case still coaxed by Samp, who is widening his range of action on the market thanks to some sales.
Until yesterday evening the Moro question was still open, but uphill. Furthermore, Moro has not yet been released by Spezia: he will do so if he finds a replacement (Pittarello from Cittadella) after Maric, who seemed headed to Liguria after rejecting Catanzaro, preferred to return home to Croatia (to Rijeka) for play for the chances of being called up to the national team. If the Ligurians fail to get another striker, Moro risks staying there and facing Iemmello and Vivarini as opponents in two days.
In short, it’s quite a mess in which there has been no shortage of self-nominations such as that of La Mantia, who apparently showed up through his agent because he has little space at Feralpisalò (where he is on loan from Spal) and is marginal in Zaffaroni’s plans. : so far the Eagles have not offered concrete support and it is not certain that they will do so on the day. As for Giuseppe Salvo, the 2003 right back who is showing off at Messina, Catanzaro would be willing to sign him immediately, but Sciotto’s request has so far been too high. If the Sicilian president doesn’t soften his demands, he will talk about it again at the end of the season.