Catanzaro, special surveillance in Nazzareno Castagna revoked


By John

The Court of Appeal of Catanzaro, upholding the appeal proposed by the lawyer Giuseppe Bagnato, has revoked the prevention measure of the Special Surveillance of PS against Nazzareno Castagna.

The Court of Catanzaro had applied the PS Special Surveillance for 2 years towards the 58-year-old man from Rombiolo, deeming that he was to be considered a socially dangerous subject. The proposal to apply the prevention measure was put forward by the Public Prosecutor of Vibo Valentia, Camillo Falvo, after a careful evaluation of the criminal proceedings in which Castagna was involved.

In particular, he is contested involvement and arrest in drug possession and dealing proceedings, of the heroin type, as well as the brawl on 28 February 2022 in which he was the victim of serious injuries which led toarrest of Giuseppe Mancuso (45 years old from Limbadi) for the crime of attempted murder. Furthermore, it was reported that Castagna had no income and therefore drew his livelihood from the contested illicit activities.

Castagna’s defender appealed against the implementing decree of the special surveillance. The Court of Appeal of Catanzaro accepted the defense’s findings while revoking the prevention measure that had been applied.