Oil, production down 30%. Companies in the Catanzaro area are worried


By John

The Catanzaro area is a land with a strong olive oil vocation. Oil and olives in these parts are a clear territorial identity. The particularly favorable climate provides the predominant variety of the Carolean olive tree with all the optimal conditions, giving the product an intense and decisive flavour. So far the beautiful side of the coin.
For a few years, however, not everything has been rosy. It is not a deep crisis but the decline is noticeable. «Even if the quality continues to be valuable and excellent – ​​they underline from the Olearia Giancotti company of Vallefiorita – we cannot hide that in recent times, especially in the year that is coming to an end, production, in line with the Calabrian data, has decreased by over 30%”. A significant number, not to be underestimated, «due – they insist – above all to climatic factors. Among them drought in particular. And since our olive grove is made up of centuries-old plants without irrigation systems, the lack of water resources significantly affects their productivity, posing itself, as of now, as one of the major challenges we will be faced with in the years to come.”
They also talk about a decline in production at Olearia Musa in Stalettì: «We achieved much more 15 years ago than today – they highlight – the drought, which lasted practically until a few weeks ago, is a real scourge: it damages flowering and pollination. Translated into numbers: here is the 30% drop.”